
Terra tip: Our product is in development, more details can be added at any time

Welcome to TerraHarvest, the vibrant international community of creators and explorers! At TerraHarvest, you'll immerse yourself in a virtual world where you can make new friends, explore community creations, participate in various events, and unleash your creativity in a dynamic environment built by citizens like you.

Key Features:

  1. Decentralized Platform: TerraHarvest isn't just a virtual world; it's a decentralized community where users have the power to shape their experience. From buying, selling, and renting LAND parcels to decision-making in governance forums, TerraHarvest citizens have a voice and a vote in the platform's future.

  2. TERRA Cryptocurrency: The economy of TerraHarvest is driven by TERRA, an ERC20 fungible cryptocurrency with a limited total supply of 2,000,000,000. TERRA serves not only as a medium of exchange in the marketplace but also incentivizes participation and rewards contributions to the community.

  3. Virtual Land Ownership (LAND): In Terra City, the virtual metropolis of TerraHarvest, each plot of land is unique and can be owned by anyone. LAND owners can not only build and customize their plots but also invite friends, hire workers, and engage in activities such as farming, mining, and hunting.

  4. Dynamic Economic Ecosystem: The marketplace of TerraHarvest is where creativity and innovation meet the digital economy. From selling agricultural products to creating and marketing unique items, virtual landowners have the opportunity to generate income and participate in a vibrant, ever-evolving economy.

Proposed Enhancements:

  • Clarity in Governance and Transparency: We'll implement clear and accessible governance rules, ensuring that all community members understand how decisions are made and how they can participate in the process.

  • Facilitating Adoption: We're committed to making TerraHarvest accessible to everyone by providing educational resources and an intuitive interface that allows anyone to participate and enjoy the experience.

  • Incentives for Active Participation: We'll create reward systems that motivate users to actively participate in the community, whether through content creation, event participation, or contributing to governance.

  • Security and Community Protection: User safety is a priority. We'll implement measures to protect user privacy, prevent fraud, and ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all.

  • Long-Term Sustainability: We'll develop a robust plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of TerraHarvest, focusing on responsible resource management and platform economy.

  • Fostering Creativity and Diversity: We'll celebrate diversity in our community, encouraging a wide range of creative expressions and viewpoints. We want TerraHarvest to be a place where everyone feels welcome and inspired to share their talents and passions.

  • Open Source: We're committed to releasing part of our code as open source, fostering collaboration and innovation within the developer community and demonstrating our commitment to transparency and security.

Join us at TerraHarvest and be part of this exciting journey toward a more decentralized, inclusive, and vibrant virtual world!

Last updated